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8 Steps to Righteousness by Faith, #5: Forgiveness

The Fifth Beatitude – Favored (Blessed) Are the Merciful, for They Shall Receive Mercy

The Interpretation
The fifth Beatitude, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" (Matthew 5:5), means that those who show mercy to others will receive mercy from God. It teaches that mercy is important to God and a key part of living a Christian life:

  • Showing Mercy Is a Struggle
    Showing mercy can be difficult, especially when it involves forgiving others.
  • Jesus Was an Example
    Jesus showed mercy and forgiveness, even when He was on the cross.
  • Receiving Is Linked to Giving
    Receiving mercy is linked to giving mercy, and one does not earn mercy by being merciful.
  • God's Favor
    The Hebrew word ashrei means "happy" or "contented," but it also means knowing that God approves of how you live.

The Relationship to Daniel and Revelation
In Daniel 9:8-11, Daniel acknowledges his sins and those of his people and asks God for mercy and forgiveness. Daniel's prayer includes the words "righteousness," which refers to God's mercy, compassion, and justice. Daniel also receives a visit from the angel Gabriel, who shares a message about Israel's future, including the arrival of Christ and the end times.

In Revelation 1:5, it says that Jesus Christ freed people from their sins through His own blood. Revelation 9:20-21 tells us that sin is a real temptation. God helps us see that wandering leads to death, destruction, and all kinds of consequences we do not want in our lives. Therefore, we pray for a spirit of repentance in us.

Living the Grace Today
“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, which is the highest level of mercy, and you will be forgiven.” But, also understand that God is merciful and forgiving, but for those who refuse to forgive and repent, the wages of sin is death.

Discussion Questions

  1. Can good works earn forgiveness?
  2. What does God require to forgive my sins?
  3. What do I require for me to forgive others?

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